Welcome to the
Otsego Church of God
That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3
Join us Sunday Mornings
10:00 am for coffee and fellowship
10:30 am for Worship

Our gathering to last about 75 minutes
Casual attire
A bible based message
To be warmly greeted and welcomed

We would like to get to know you better
Please visit the welcome center for events and information

Nursery - Ages 0-3 years (still in diapers)
Beginners & Juniors - Ages 4-11 years
(upstairs in room 204)
We strive to actively demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ
through worship, discipleship and outreach.
orange bags
1st Sundays of every month, orange bags are available to take home, and fill with non-perishable goods, and personal hygiene products for Christian Neighbors Food Pantry. Please return bags by the last Sunday of the month.
Support our ministries without spending more than the item cost. No card, just a pin # to use at any Harding's Market.
Available for DVD order at the Welcome Center or church office. Donations help offset costs. When giving, please print "sermon recording" on the envelope