Sermon access at the following links: facebook.com/groups/ochog or Otsego Church of God - YouTube
Valentine's Dinner - RSVP needed by the end of Tuesday, February 4. Please, provide the name of the meal choice for each person. Two are listed on the attached February 2nd TWA bulletin sheet. The payments will be accepted in the church office.
9 am Sunday School - Please join us in: What the Bible Teaches Class, Searchers Class, or Friendship Class.
Family of God Photos - Let us know when you're ready to be added. Contact Lou with questions (at the office or the welcome center).
Sunday Worship Service is @ 10:30 am, in the Sanctuary. While the Family Room is open for refreshments at 10:00 am, it will be closed for worship.
10:30 am Sundays - Morning Worship, Middle & High School Youth, and Children's Church
30 Minutes of Prayer @ 6 pm each Sunday - Please join us in the Sanctuary.
Closings - Midweek Classes & Meetings are generally cancelled, when Otsego school closes due to weather conditions.
Ark Preschool - New information for enrollees: Now accepting CDC/DHS payments. Contact thearkpreschoolotsego@gmail.com
YogaFit Class 5:30 pm Mondays.
Blood Drive - Noon until 5:45 pm Tuesday, February 4.
Women's Monthly Bible Study - 1:15 pm Tuesday, February 11.
Ministry Team Leaders Meeting - 6 pm Tuesday, February 11.
Choir - 6:30 pm Tuesdays. Come make a joyful sound unto the Lord. All are welcome! New singers are not required to read music. See Director Carolyn Graham with questions.
5 pm Wednesday Bible Study - All are welcome at 214 W. Orleans Street.
10:30 am Thursday Bible Study - All are welcome at 214 W. Orleans Street.
Women's Bible Study - 6:30 pm Thursdays, in the church library.
Christian Neighbors Plainwell News - Their recent FaceBook post advertised a community wide Peanut Butter Drive through February 28; and a February 18 Charcuterie Workshop/Fundraiser. Questions? Plainwell Christian Neighbors contact number is 269.685.4166.
Drivers Needed - If able to give someone a ride to an appointment, bible study, or church service, please leave some contact info with the church office assistant.
Church Yard Workers - If interested in a particular season of yard work, please contact Ron Doest, or the church office.