Sermon access at the following links: facebook.com/groups/ochog or Otsego Church of God - YouTube
9 am Sunday School - Please join us in: What the Bible Teaches Class, Searchers Class, or Friendship Class.
Family of God Photos - Let us know when you're ready to be added. Contact Lou with questions (at the office or the welcome center).
Sunday Worship Service is @ 10:30 am, in the Sanctuary. While the Family Room is open for refreshments at 10:00 am, it will be closed for worship.
10:30 am Sundays - Morning Worship, Middle & High School Youth, and Children's Church
30 Minutes of Prayer @ 6 pm each Sunday - Please join us in the Sanctuary.
Closings - Midweek Classes & Meetings are generally cancelled, when Otsego school closes due to weather conditions.
Ark Preschool - New information for enrollees: Now accepting CDC/DHS payments. Contact thearkpreschoolotsego@gmail.com
YogaFit Class 5:30 pm Mondays.
Choir - 6:30 pm Tuesdays. Come make a joyful sound unto the Lord. All are welcome! New singers are not required to read music. See Director Carolyn Graham with questions.
5 pm Wednesday Bible Study - All are welcome at 214 W. Orleans Street.
10:30 am Thursday Bible Study - All are welcome at 214 W. Orleans Street.
Women's Bible Study - 6:30 pm Thursdays, in the church library.
Drivers Needed - If able to give someone a ride to an appointment, bible study, or church service, please leave some contact info with the church office assistant.
Church Yard Workers - If interested in a particular season of yard work, please contact Ron Doest, or the church office.